Illegale Abschiebungen auf dem Balkan
Schwere Vorwürfe gegen die Grenzpolizei Kroatiens: Flüchtlinge dürfen kein Asyl beantragen, würden geschlagen und illegal abgeschoben. Eine Reportage über sogenannte Push Backs von Andrea Beer und Srdjan Govedarica
HRW: Bosnia Should Immediately Close Inhumane Migrant Camp
Over a year after Human Rights Watch first criticized Bosnia’s failure to protect the basic rights of migrants and asylum seekers, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is warning of a fast-developing humanitarian emergency in a makeshift camp near the border with Croatia. Over 20,000 migrants and asylum seekers have arrived in Bosnia since January 2019, but violent and unlawful pushbacks from Croatia have created a bottleneck on the border, leaving many stranded in unsafe conditions. The Vučjak tent camp was already overcrowded with 700 migrants living without running water, electricity, or medical care. But on October 16, police transferred around 1,700 more people to the camp from Bihać, the largest town in the area.
Serbia raps Croatia over treatment of Afghan migrants
Serbia’s refugee agency has accused Croatian border police of torturing a 16-year-old Afghan refugee and of denying him and 15 other migrants traveling with him their right to claim asylum in the European Union.
Push-Back aus Italien
Deutschlandfunk: „Sie brechen Arme, Beine, Köpfe“
Mindestens 206 Menschen kamen seit Juli 2013 auf der Balkanroute ums Leben. Die Dunkelziffer dürfte weitaus höher liegen. Die Berichte über massive Menschenrechtsverletzungen an der kroatischen EU-Grenze zu Bosnien und Herzegowina häufen sich und die Präsidentin gibt offen Polizeigewalt zu.
BBC: BEaten and Robbed Die Schande von Bihac
Anonymes Schreiben Kroatischer Polizisten an die Kroatische Ombudsfrau

Dear Ms,
We are asking for your help because we see that you are the only one taking care of the illegal practices towards refugees and distressed people, who we treat in a bad and inhumane way every day.
I am a worker of the police station ___ and I have been working on protection of the national border for a longer time. A few of us are screaming, we have no more will nor power to look at what is being done to these humans. Every day we return them to Bosnia, without papers, without processing, no matter whether they are women, children, we treat everyone the same.
There is no asylum, that doesn’t exist, only and if in extraordinary situations, with media attention. Orders of the chief, the executive, and the administration is to return everyone without papers, no traces, take money, break mobile phones throw into _____, or take for ourselves, and forcefully return refugees to Bosnia.
This is the truth about how we treat them, the police that come as extra resource units from the other police stations are especially cruel, because they are angry for being here, and they stay here shortly so they do what they want to without control, they remind me of the Janissaries, beating and stealing. This is sad, but true, and with the blessings of the executives from the police station and administration.
We, a few policemen, are especially saddened by the fact that we are encouraged and ordered to do this by the executives who should be working legally, against these kind of practices and not allowing such behavior in the police.
Every day we return 20-50. When they are driven to here from the other police stations, people are exhausted, sometimes beaten up, and then it’s us who drive them during the night and forcefully pushback to Bosnia.
All sorts of stuff happen here, some police draw weapons, this is shameful for this police, and not what I imagined when I went to school.
I personally returned around 1000 people during the night, I try to be as humane as possible, but I have _____, if I refuse to do this I will lose my job, and how will I feed my family.
The group of us who share these views are asking you to stop this behavior and practices in the police. All that is coming from you, media writings are correct, and very mild compared to what happens in this police station. Also it is very sad that the station executives, and especially in the police administration mention your name in a very rude and inappropriate way, because you do not deserve this, it is not suitable for highly educated people to receive such insults and names. You are only doing your job in a honorable and decent way, according to legal rules and regulations, and this is how police should work too, but unfortunately, we are far from that.
We ask you again to personally engage in stopping these bad practices that could lead to tragic consequences, and nobody wants that.
We believe in you, your fairness and legal work,
Disaffected police officers of police station _________
Kroatiens Präsidentin Grabar-Kitarović zur Balkanroute
BR: “Sie haben nur dabei gelacht” – Illegale Abschiebungen auf dem Balkan
Tausende Flüchtlinge sind in den vergangenen Jahren auf ihrem Weg in die EU auf dem Balkan gestrandet. In diesem Zusammenhang häufen sich Berichte über massive Menschenrechtsverletzungen an der kroatischen EU-Außengrenze zu Bosnien-Herzegowina.