Seitdem der Seeweg Richtung Sizilien weitgehend unterbrochen wurde, versuchen Flüchtlinge wieder über die Westbalkan-Route nach Norden zu gelangen. Tausende von ihnen sitzen in Belgrad fest – unter elenden Bedingungen. Viele bereuen ihre Entscheidung zur Flucht.
Category Archives: Allgemein
Police operations and violent relocations to Preševo
As it has been already stated, violence, repression and persecution has been growing since the squatted barracks got evicted and demolished on May 11th. Before the elections the serbian police was more reserved but now using violence openly. In the last two weeks there has been three physically violent police operations, forcing people to be taken to the infamous Preševo closed “camp” near Macedonia. Although is it presented as a reception center, the unspoken reality is that of a detention camp. The approx. 1000 people imprisoned there are not allowed to go in or out, except for a very restricted special permission, and the only way to leave the camp is to be pushed-back illegaly to Macedonia, which happens regularly.
We will struggle for every moment of freedom
„My name is Asa, it has been 11 months now that I am passing these hardest days of my traveling. I am a refugee from Afghanistan. As we know freedom is the right of every breathing being. Right now i am in Belgrade, Serbia, i came here to save my life an be a real servant for human kind but today we are facing a lot of problems by the orders of the governments. They destroyed the place * where more than thousands of refugees passed their nights during their journey and then they send us to camps. But „camp“ is only a name, in fact it is like jail, they dont let us to move freely . Even for shopping. Even the bus drivers dont want to take us.
Video: Refugees sprayed with insecticide in the barracks in Belgrade
Video: Life in Standby — Refugees in Belgrade
Tightening of Borders Makes Women Invisible Along Balkan Refugee Route
As borders have tightened along the western Balkan route to Europe, more lone female refugees are arriving in Serbia having experienced violence and trafficking. Many who want to continue their journeys are using even riskier routes and never appear in official data.
Wie die Eisenbahn das Leben von Lence Zdravkin verändert hat
In ihrem früheren Leben war die 48-jährige Lence Zdravkin aus Veles in Mazedonien Journalistin. Sie arbeitete in der kleinen privaten Fernsehstation ihres Ehemannes Angel. Das Haus der beiden liegt direkt an den Gleisen, der Hauptstrecke der Eisenbahnlinie die durch Mazedonien führt, und diese Bahnstrecke hat das Leben der Familie Zdravkin von Grund auf verändert.
ARD VIDEO: Die Toten auf der Balkanroute
Manche sind erfroren, manche vor Erschöpfung zusammengebrochen. Manche wurden Opfer von Gewaltverbrechen und manche wurden nachts, als sie entlang der Eisenbahnlinien liefen, von einem Zug erfasst und getötet. Es gibt viele Tote auf der Balkanroute. Genaue Zahlen aber gibt es nicht.
Gastbeitrag von Katja Kipping: Das Elend von Belgrad
Wohin Obergrenzen für Flüchtlinge und das Gerede darüber führen, hat unsere Gastautorin in Serbien gesehen. Sie besuchte ein wildes Flüchtlingslager.